Neurological Conditions
The nervous system is highly complex, and includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves to the face, body arms and legs. Damage to the nervous system from either injury or disease can lead to difficulty in controlling movement. Sensation may also be affected, and problems with speech, vision, swallowing, speaking and bowel and bladder control may also present. Mood, ability to concentrate and memory can also be affected. There are more than 600 neurologic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington’s disease and many more.
Symptoms Of Neurological Conditions
Most people will present with a combination of symptoms depending on the type of condition they are suffering from. Below is a list of possible symptoms (this list is not exhaustive):
Low mood
Facial spasm
Visual symptoms
Problems walking
Slurred speech
Swallow problems
Word finding difficulties
Bladder problems
Bowel problems
Functional jerks and twitches
Functional limb weakness
Blackout/ attacks
Sensory symptoms
Tiredness/ fatigue
Sleep problems
Poor memory/ cognition
Worry/ panic
Treatment of Neurological Conditions
Following a full individual assessment, our highly skilled Physiotherapists will suggest a treatment and management plan to target your specific needs. Treatment may involve stretches, exercises, and regular standing or walking.
As most neurological conditions are often progressive in nature, our Chartered Physiotherapists can also offer advice on problems which occur at any stage of the condition.
Physical fitness and stamina are often major contributors to loss of independence and disability. Physiotherapy treatments are aimed at improving strength, endurance and flexibility.
Our Expertise
Our Physiotherapists have a great deal of specific clinical experience in the management of neurological conditions.
Our highly skilled Physiotherapists will provide expert treatment for your pain as well as prescribing specific exercises that you can often do at home. They will use a variety of evidence based therapies and treatments to help you manage your condition, keeping you at your very best.
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