Scoliosis & Children
Scoliosis in a growing child is always abnormal and has the potential to cause considerable disability and must be taken seriously. Scoliosis may not be the primary defect nor always require treatment. Minor asymmetry is common in children and may lead to unnecessary treatment and concern but a curve of more than 15º is of greater concern because there is potential for progression with growth. Scoliosis is more common among girls and children over the age of 10. However, it can be seen at any age.
Symptoms Of Scoliosis & Children
Scoliosis is a disorder which causes an abnormal curve in the spine. It may be defined simply as any lateral tilt, curve, deviation or rotation of one or more vertebral segments of the spine from the normal straight position. In most cases the cause is unknown. More than 80% of people with scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis. There are three main types:
Functional – the spine is normal but a curve develops due to an abnormality somewhere else in the body.
Neuromuscular – caused by a problem when the bones of the spine are formed. This type is often much more severe.
Degenerative – This occurs in older adults and is caused by changes in the spine due to arthritis.
Treatment of Scoliosis & Children
Early postural control with bracing, seating systems and night time positioning is important to delay or prevent progression of the curve.
Our Chartered Physiotherapists may also advise personalised exercise programmes in conjunction with bracing to increase postural awareness, and muscle tone as well as encourage trunk mobility.
Bracing is commonly used for progressive curves and is normally prescribed in consultation with an orthopaedic consultant.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s posture or potential scoliosis, please contact one of our highly skilled specialist Paediatric Physiotherapists today.
Our Expertise
Our Paediatric Physiotherapists have a great deal of specific clinical experience in the management of scoliosis.
They will use a variety of evidence based therapies and treatments to manage this condition.
Our physiotherapists are highly trained and qualified to provide expert care to our patients. They are fully insured and are chartered by the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP).
We have team of Clinical leads who visits our physios and clinics to ensure a level of customer service and quality care that exceeds our competition is given to patients every time.
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