
How To Avoid Burnout From Running

No matter how focused we are on a task or how committed to a schedule, we all go through periods when we need a break – both mentally and physically. This is the same for runners. This can happen after completing a big race that you've been working towards for months as it can be tough to stay motivated once you've reached your goal.

Feeling Self-Conscious About Running In Public?

First things first – You are not alone. Fear of running in public or feeling self-conscious while exercising prevents a lot of people from even beginning a running routine. You may be worried that you’ll look slow, silly, too fat, and too old to other runners or people on the street.Like anything else, the first time is usually the hardest, so don’t be concerned about what others think!

Dynamic Warm Up And Warm Down

Most of us are aware that warming up and cooling down go hand in hand with exercise and physical activity. However, what it actually does and how it should be done isn’t always clear. A good warm-up will increase the elasticity of muscles and tendons, encourage blood flow to the periphery of the body and increase body temperature and heart rate in preparation for activity.

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

5 Tips on Preventing ''Tech Neck''

The very fact that you are reading this means that you could be at risk of developing “tech neck”. As the name implies, tech neck is a term used to describe pain in the neck that results from overuse of technology. With screens becoming increasingly omnipresent in our everyday lives, we are all at risk of developing tech neck, so here are steps you can take to prevent it.

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