Acupuncture Blogs
Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine used widely to treat different types of pain.
So, needles are the hot new craze right now, and no we’re not talking about drugs, Botox or tattoos. We’re talking about acupuncture, also known as dry needle therapy or dry needling.
Many people might not be aware that Physiotherapists can provide a number of treatments which can help with a number of health problems which women may encounter. There are certain methods by which our Physiotherapy team can provide these Women’s Health treatments, with one of the most common being acupuncture. Most people will have heard of acupuncture but might not know exactly what the treatment is and how can it help in alleviating women’s health problems.
Acupuncture is scientifically proven to rid the body and mind of the desires and urges associated with the addiction that comes with smoking. Globally it has proven to be often court mandated to treat other addictive substance abuse because of its ability to alleviate cravings and curb withdrawal symptoms
Acupuncture can play a very important role in helping to achieve some of the traditional New Year’s resolutions. This is some of them listed below but by no means all of them.Losing weight is the most common New Year’s resolution and often one of the hardest to maintain. Acupuncture treatments can help you reach your target level of fitness and.....
So, needles are the hot new craze right now, and no we’re not talking about drugs, Botox or tattoos. We’re talking about acupuncture, also known as dry needle therapy or dry needling.
Dry needling is a commonly used technique, which our physiotherapists often use to treat muscle pain and stiffness, back pain & headaches.
As of July 2011, Active Physiotherapy & Acupucture has become part of The Physio Company, Chartered Physiotherapy & Sports Injury clinics. The clinic is located on Lower Baggot Street in Dublin 2, and has provided Chartered Physiotherapy and Acupuncture treatment for the past 14 years.
After suffering from relentless back and shoulder pain, journalist Amanda Phelan from The Irish Independent took a visit to our Temple Bar clinic, where she met our Chartered Physiotherapist Leigh Johnston for a dry needling treatment.
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and as more and more scientific research is carried out on the effects of acupuncture, we look at some of the benefits it can have on your health.